
Do you have questions about travelling in Morocco? The most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Morocco travel are about how to get & exchange money. People also often ask about how to pay for things in Morocco. Questions about what to wear & suitable attire in Morocco are also common. We have answers to all these questions & more. We’ve also got answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about our custom Morocco tours (such as making changes, meal options, etc).

At Wild Desert of Morocco, your peace of mind is our top priority. That’s why we created this list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about travelling in Morocco & our custom Morocco tours. We want you to be able to quickly find the answers you need to help you plan your ideal Moroccan holiday!

Our goal is to provide you with the most enjoyable, worry-free vacation possible. Nobody wants unpleasant surprises or stresses on their holidays. With Wild Desert of Morocco’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), you can rest easy and “know before you go”.

Don’t see the answers you need in our FAQs?
Feel free to contact us. At Wild Desert of Morocco,
we believe that answering your questions is time well spent!

FAQs about travelling in Morocco

Do you have general questions about travelling in Morocco, such as how to get Moroccan currency, what types of payment are accepted in Morocco, what to wear, etc.? You’ll find answers to these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) & more below.

Can’t find the information about travel in Morocco that you’re looking for?
Contact us – we’ll answer all of your questions about travel in Morocco!

How to get money in Morocco

FAQs about getting & exchanging money while in Morocco

How to pay for things in Morocco

FAQs about acceptable methods of payment in Morocco

What to wear in Morocco

FAQs about suitable attire in Morocco

Other general questions about travel in Morocco

Additional FAQs about travelling in Morocco

How to get money in Morocco

In this section, you’ll find all you need to know about how to get Moroccan money and exchange your foreign currency while in Morocco.

What is the local currency of Morocco?

Moroccan dirhams (dh).

Some establishments accept Euros, but may use a 10 to 1 ratio (10dh = 1Euro) for simplicity. This is not an accurate exchange rate, so you will end up paying a bit more if you use Euros.

Where can I exchange money in Morocco?

Moroccan dirhams must be purchased inside Morocco. It’s rare to find this currency outside of the country. There are currency exchanges at all international airports and in major cities, but they may not be available in smaller towns and villages. Banks also offer currency exchange services during working hours.

Note: Business hours may be different than what you are used to. Banks and currency exchanges (except perhaps at the airport) may not be open or may have shorter hours on Friday afternoons as this is the Muslim Holy Day. In addition, banks are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Note: Banks and currency exchanges will not accept torn bills or those that have been written on.  In addition, older bills may not be accepted (this varies by currency). If bringing cash to Morocco, stick to bills issued in recent years and make sure they’re in good condition before you leave home. Keep your exchange receipt!  You may need it to convert money back at the end of your trip.

Your driver/guide knows the best places to exchange money. If you plan to exchange cash when you arrive in Morocco, let us know ahead of time and we’ll help you get the best exchange rate.

Where can I find automated bank machines in Morocco?

All the major banks in Morocco have bank machines, but they are not on every street corner, and you won’t find them in shops. Smaller towns and villages may only have 1 or 2.

Bank machines can be hit and miss on the weekend.  If one doesn’t work, another may, so try another machine or a machine from a different bank.

Note:  you may not be able to withdraw from your savings or chequing account at a bank machine.  Sometimes you will have to withdraw a cash advance from your credit card.  This varies by bank, but you may not be able to find your preferred bank’s machines in every place you visit.

Note:  Moroccan bank machines usually have a daily limit for cash withdrawals – 2000dh.  This is usually more than sufficient to last you a few days unless you are planning a larger purchase.  If you need more than that, you will likely have to use a different bank’s machine.

Remember that your home bank may charge you a fee for each transaction on top of the exchange rate.  Your best bet is to exchange money at the beginning of your trip so that you can limit your need for bank machine transactions. Plan ahead!  Let your driver/guide know (before the weekend!) if you are running low on cash so he can get you to a bank machine or currency exchange.  If you haven’t already purchased dirhams before the tour starts, let your driver/guide know immediately.

Did we answer your questions about getting & exchanging money in Morocco?
If not, feel free to contact us – we’re always happy to answer your questions!

How to pay for things in Morocco

In this section, you’ll find important information about acceptable methods of payment in Morocco.

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: In Morocco, cash is the most widely accepted currency!

Do restaurants and shops take credit cards in Morocco?

In the big cities, sometimes yes.  Sometimes it depends on the type of shop.  For example, large carpet sellers often take credit cards.  Big restaurants attached to hotels may take credit cards.  Ask first.

Note:  debit cards are not used for payment of goods or services in Morocco.

Your best bet is cash.  Most local restaurants and shops, even in big cities, take cash only – Moroccan dirhams or sometimes Euros.

Shops and restaurants in smaller towns and villages take cash only – Moroccan dirhams preferably, although they may accept Euros.

Note:  when paying in Euros, typically a 10 to 1 ratio (10dh = 1Euro) is used for simplicity.  This is not an accurate exchange rate, so you will end up paying a bit more if you use Euros.

Ask your driver/guide for help.  He will make sure you get to a bank or currency exchange if you need it.

Can I pay for things with my debit card in Morocco?

No.  Cash or sometimes credit card (see previous question).

Note:  Morocco does not have contactless payment (tap) options.

Did we answer your questions about how to pay for things in Morocco?
If not, feel free to contact us – we’re always happy to answer your questions!

What to wear in Morocco

In this section, you’ll find information on what to wear/how to dress/what is considered suitable attire while in Morocco.

Can I wear shorts and/or sleeveless tops in Morocco?

Morocco is quite laid-back about attire for tourists.  In big cities and the more touristic areas, it’s never a problem, and you will see Moroccan men and women with bare arms and legs showing.  In smaller towns and villages, local people – both men and women – tend to dress more modestly, but the attitude towards tourists is very relaxed.

Generally speaking, short-sleeved shirts, long shorts, capris, and skirts (not minis) are fine, but it’s a good idea to bring along a long-sleeved shirt or light jacket and a pair of long pants as well.

Note:  in the desert, even if it’s hot, you will want long sleeves, long pants, and maybe a head scarf to protect you from the desert sun and wind, and cooler nights.

Do women need to cover their hair in Morocco?

No.  In smaller towns and villages, local women will cover their heads, but it’s not necessary for tourists.

However, if you are visiting inside someone’s home or inside the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, it’s more polite to cover your hair as a sign of respect. A loose scarf is sufficient. It’s not necessary to bind your hair completely from view.

Did we answer your questions about what to wear in Morocco?
If not, feel free to contact us – we’re always happy to answer your questions!

Other general questions about Morocco travel

In this section, you’ll find some additional general information about travelling in Morocco.

Can non-Muslims visit inside mosques in Morocco?

Generally no. However, the one exception is the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, which allows non-Muslims inside (but not during prayers). You must join a guided tour led by Mosque staff. You can find information about hours, fees, etc. on the Hassan II Mosque website.

Note: Mosque tours are conducted at specific times of day only and the hours vary depending on the time of year, during Ramadan, etc. If you think you’d like to visit inside the mosque, let us know in advance so that we can build time for this into your custom itinerary.

Women should cover their hair when going inside the mosque (see “Do women need to cover their hair in Morocco?”.)

Are public washrooms (toilets) free in Morocco?

Washrooms in airports, train stations, and service stations are free.  Some restaurants, cafés and rest stops may ask for a small payment (1-2 dirhams), which can be given directly to the cleaning staff.  Sometimes there will be a small dish nearby for this purpose, even if the person is not visible.

It’s a good idea to keep a few small coins on hand for this purpose.  (It’s also a good idea to always carry some toilet paper or wipes with you – just in case!)

Did we answer all your questions about travelling in Morocco?
If not, feel free to contact us – we’re always happy to answer your questions!

FAQs about our custom Morocco tours

Do you have questions about Wild Desert of Morocco’s custom Morocco tours? You’ll find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about any of our Morocco tours as well as our specialty multi-day Sahara Camel-trekking Tours below.

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for about our custom Morocco tours?
Please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions!

About any of our Morocco tours

FAQs about our most popular tours & custom Morocco tours

About our Sahara Camel-trekking Tours

FAQs specific to our desert-only, multi-day Sahara Camel-trekking Tours

About any of our Morocco tours

In this section, you’ll find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to any of Wild Desert of Morocco’s most popular tours from our website as well as any custom Morocco tour we create for you.

I’ve already been to one of the places included in this tour. Can I make changes?

Absolutely!  There are lots of things to see and do in Morocco.

Contact us and we’ll work with you to design a custom tour that meets your needs exactly.

Can I add extra destinations or activities to this tour?

Yes, of course!   We can easily build in extra days or rework the existing sample itinerary.

This is your vacation.  Contact us. Tell us what you want to see & do. We’ll work with you to make it happen.

Note: If you make changes at the last minute or en route, there may be an additional cost.

Will we stop to rest, have a snack, and/or take photos during the drive?

Yes.  Your driver/guide will make regular stops for these activities, and will also stop on request.

If you need anything, ask your driver/guide.  He is there to give you the best experience possible!

It says some dinners are included and some are not.  Will I know ahead of time which meals I have to pay for during the tour?

Yes.  All these details will be finalized before you book, and we’ll make it clear which meals are included and which are not.

En route, you can check with your driver/guide at any time.

Can I have all my meals included?  I prefer to prepay everything.

Absolutely!  This can be arranged when we work with you to design your custom tour.

Note: If you choose to have a meal during a period of free time, it will be at your own expense.

Can you accommodate my special dietary needs (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc.)?

Yes.  Let us know in advance and we’ll ensure that this is built into your custom tour. In some of the accommodations we use, meals are included. We’ll make sure they’re aware of and can accommodate your dietary needs.
Most restaurants offer vegetarian options on their regular menu, but vegan & gluten-free meals may require pre-planning.

What happens if I can’t ride my camel for the whole time?

You always have the option of walking instead of riding your camel.  The pace is slow and easy.  Your camelman/guide always walks during the tour so don’t worry – you won’t get left behind!  Just give him a shout if you need to dismount.
Sometimes a short break is all that’s needed.  Always feel free to ask your camelman/guide to stop for a rest.

Did we answer all your questions about our most popular & custom tours?
If not, feel free to contact us – we’re always happy to answer your questions!

About our Sahara Camel-trekking Tours

In this section we provide extra information specifically relating to our multi-day Sahara Camel-trekking Tours.

Note: These tours are desert-only. Transport to & from the Sahara is not included, and the tours don’t include any other destinations or sightseeing (see below).

Is transport to & from the Sahara Desert included?

All our Sahara Camel-trekking tours start & end at Erg Chebbi in the Sahara Desert – usually from the north end. We’ll let you know exactly where.  You can either arrange your own way there and back, or you can arrange transportation with us for an additional cost.

Note: It takes an entire day to reach Erg Chebbi by car from Marrakesh or Fes. If you don’t have your own transportation, we strongly urge you to consider adding an extra day to the beginning and end of your tour. It will break up the long drive and we’ll add some interesting experiences to your trip at the same time!

Do I need to bring my own tent?

No, tents are provided.

Do I need to bring my own sleeping bag and pillow?

No. We provide everything you will need for the tour.
However, feel free to bring your own if you prefer.  Just let us know so we don’t overburden the camels with extra gear!

What happens if I can’t ride my camel for the whole trek?

Each day of camel-trekking includes rest stops, but if you need an extra break, you always have the option of walking instead of riding your camel.  The pace is slow and easy.  Your camelman/guide always walks during the tour so don’t worry – you won’t get left behind!  Just give him a shout if you need to dismount.
Sometimes a short break is all that’s needed.  Always feel free to ask your camelman/guide to stop for a rest.

Can you accommodate my special dietary needs (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc.) in the desert?

Yes.  Let us know and we’ll ensure that this is built into your custom tour.

Did we answer all your questions about our Sahara Camel-trekking Tours?
If not, feel free to contact us – we’re always happy to answer your questions!

Still have questions?

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